Electropainting (E-Coating, electrocoating) is a painting method, which uses an electrical current to deposit paint on conductive materials.
The coating materials (resins, pigments, additives, etc.) are dispersed in water and kept in a bath. The body parts to be coated are immersed in the solution and an electric current is passed through the bath using the parts as an electrode. Electrical activity on the surface of the parts makes the resin in direct contact insoluble in water. As a result, a resin layer - including all pigments and additives present - adheres to the surface of the parts. The coated auto parts can then be removed from the bath. The freshly coated car parts are then placed in an oven to harden. This makes the coating hard and durable.
Widely used throughout the automotive industry as a primer, this coating provides excellent corrosion resistance (typically in excess of 1000 hours salt spray to ASTM B117) and is an ideal base for overcoating with both powder coating and wet spray.